Real Estate Blog

Only with us – The lowest price! Below the builder.

With cashback 7% per year for the entire construction period and the purchase of 107% ready.This is a promotional campaign from the developer dedicated to the launch of the 3rd phase First line, 50 meters from the sea, a large infrastructure project. In September, we bought similar units here at 5 200 000 baht in the finished building 10 units for sale in the new phase were sold for 2 for, There is only 1 unit 60 sqm at a price of 37 m – 6 000 000 000 baht And – 31 sqm for 3 700 000 baht. It is not in the developer’s catalog. Only we have

3 November Specials – 1,000,000 baht discount!

With cashback 7% per year for the entire construction period and the purchase of 107% ready.This is a promotional campaign from the developer dedicated to the launch of the 3rd phase First line, 50 meters from the sea, a large infrastructure project. In September, we bought similar units here at 5 200 000 baht in the finished building 10 units for sale in the new phase were sold for 2 for, There is only 1 unit 60 sqm at a price of 37 m – 6 000 000 000 baht And – 31 sqm for 3 700 000 baht. It is not in the developer’s catalog. Only we have

Premium Resorts. The Best Investment Properties

Мы сами инвестируем в топ 10 лучших объектов на Пхукете в разных локациях по разным стратегиям.

Предпочитаем инвестировать в Резорты Премиум Класса – в лучшие проекты в лучших локациях Пхукета на первой линии с брендовым 5* отельным оператором из топ 10 мировых отельных сетей.

Это дает максимальную надежность, максимальный % заполняемости круглый год за счет возможностей мировых сетей, более высокую цену за счет легальной посуточной сдачи в аренду, максимально высокий доход.

Отсутствие издержек на ремонт, рисков низкой заполняемости и некачественного сервиса мелких управляющих компаний. Все сервисы и издержки связанные с этим сети берут на себя.

И гарантируют безупречный стандарт качества сервиса.

Предпочитаем программы гарантированного дохода и участие в прибыли или в валовом доходе

международных отельных сетей из топ 10 в мире.

Таких Объектов на Пхукете очень мало. Менее 1%.

Но мы выбираем именно их.

На Пхукете очень много проектов очень разного качества.

Кондо. Квартиры. Резиденции. Апартаменты. Юниты. Евродвушки. Коробки. Казармы. Человейники.


В чем разница?

Есть несколько классов и типов объектов для инвестиций и по их названию не всегда легко разобраться, о чем идет речь.

Есть обычные квартиры, кондо, апартаменты разного класса и ценовой категории.

Есть дешевые низкокачественные коробки «человейники» без ничего и в нигде.

Это самое дешевое жилье вдали от моря и города по самым низким ценам. Для инвестиций оно не подходит. Материалы низкопробные, качество неудовлетворительное. Ремонт с учетом климата, требуется почти сразу

Следом идут квартиры в комплексах среднего класса как правило без инфраструктуры и неблизко от моря и города. Здесь качество строительства и материалов приемлемое, более низкая цена достигается за счет отсутствия вложений в инфраструктуру и более дешевой стоимости земли из-за ее неудачного расположения.

Спрос на эти два типа недвижимости есть. Но не со стороны более платежеспособных туристов, а со стороны местных рабочих. Для инвестиций несмотря на низкую цену такое не подойдет.

Далее идут ЖК с инфраструктурой. На Пхукете они бывают очень разные.

С минимальной инфраструктурой и с большим количеством бассейнов и ресторанов, вдали от моря и в пешей доступности, в престижных дорогих районах и в еще неосвоенных регионах, рядом с курортной инфраструктурой и вдали от нее. Класса комфорт, бизнес, люкс, премиум.

Их могут называть по-разному – кондо, ЖК, квартиры, апартаменты, юниты, резиденции – это никак не отражает их суть.

Наибольшим спросом ликвидностью и популярностью для инвестиций являются Резорты.

Резорт представляет собой уникальный комплекс на первой линии или в пешей доступности от моря с хорошей развитой внутренней инфраструктурой – достаточным количеством бассейнов ресторанов баров спорт и фитнес площадей, наличием оздоровительных программ, СПА массажей и всего необходимого для отдыха в самом комплексе.

По-нашему – курортный комплекс со всем необходимым для отдыха.

В хорошей локации рядом с морем и внешней инфраструктурой – магазинами, ресторанами, торговыми улицами, массажными салонами, то есть всем тем поблизости что интересно туристу.

То есть Резорт это не просто квартиры или кондо – Это в первую очередь среда для проживания.

Безликих коробок, которые продают себя, эксплуатируя магическую силу слова Банг Тао вдали от моря много.

Но они не курорты. Просто жилье. Иногда с небольшим бассейном на огромную массу людей. И всё.

Хороших высококлассных Резортов мало.

Для инвестора важно научиться их различать и выбирать лучшие.

Тогда будет и ликвидность, и высокая доходность.

А при наличии брендированного мирового 5* отельного оператора с гарантированным или совместным доходом еще и беззаботная легкая и радостная жизнь

Мы предпочитаем инвестировать именно в Резорты на первой линии от моря с большой территорией и развитой внутренней инфраструктурой в лучших районах Пхукета.

С гарантированным доходом от застройщика или 5* мирового оператора из топ 10 в мире.

Это более надежно. Плюс к гарантированному доходу в лучших объектах на Пхукете это дает максимальный прирост цен и ликвидность. После пандемии рост цен на Пхукете резко ускорился.

За период строительства 1.5 года цены растут на 30%-40%. Успех инвестора зависит от ликвидности.

В лучших объектах она максимальная, в худших спорная.

Поэтому очень важно выбрать правильную локацию и наиболее перспективный объект.

Этим мы и занимаемся профессионально. Мы реализовали несколько объектов заработав 30% в $ в год. Гарантии здесь нет. Но выбрав лучший проект больше шансов получить максимальный доход.

На Банг Тао цены самые высокие на Пхукете, поэтому для инвестиций мы кроме Банг Тао находим лучшие Резорты в других самых популярных районах Пхукета для инвестиций, там, где можно заработать больше.

Прежде всего за счет существенно более низкой входной цены, как правило минимум на 50% -100% ниже чем на Банг Тао. Кроме того, здесь больше шансов купить объект на первой линии от моря а значит получить более высокую заполняемость доходность и ликвидность. На Банг Тао сейчас уже купить хороший Резорт на первой линии почти невозможно. Н у и конкуренция в других локациях меньше. В некоторых даже дефицит предложения по данным ведущих мировых аналитических групп. Ликвидность объектов на первой линии от моря всегда сильно выше.

Самые популярные Резорты с 5* звездным отельным сервисом от ведущих мировых сетей

Sea Heaven –15 минут от Банг Тао, 15 минут от аэропорта – первая линия, 50 м от моря, пляж Най Тон, Крупнейший мировой отельный оператор Windham – №1 в мире.

Программа долевого участия в бизнесе 70% владельцу -30% оператору. Есть программа гарантированного дохода 7% в $ в год. Есть кэшбэк 7% на весь период строительства и возможность обратного выкупа за 107% от стоимости.

Сейчас здесь стартует строительство 3 фазы и проходит рекордная Акция = скидки до 50% – 1 000 000 ( один миллион) бат! на ограниченное количество юнитов.

Первые 10 выставленные на продажу были раскуплены за 2 дня. Мы себе уже взяли здесь юниты  по самой привлекательной цене. Один из них предлагаем по переуступке по самой низкой цене – 3 700 000 бат за 31 м кв.

Это самая низкая цена здесь. Сильно ниже застройщика. Похожие юниты в готовой 1 Фазе здесь в сентябре мы приобретали за 5 200 000 бат.

Цены на готовые и строящиеся юниты в 1 и 2 фазе сейчас 6 000 000 – 7000 000 бат. 1 фаза сдана, 100% заполняемость в сезон.

Фото Sea Heaven


M Gallery Премиальный Комплекс в самом элитном районе Камала. 7 минут до Банг Тао. Рядом с самым дорогим и роскошным новым 5* отелем Intercontinental c с доступом к его инфраструктуре. небольшое количество корпусов отеля и резиденций, каскад водопадов и озер, в окружении гор и 5* отелей. Всё класса люкс.

Отельный оператор №6 в мире компания Accor – здесь модель долевого участия в прибыли отельной группы другая – 40% владельцу, но не с прибыли за вычетом издержек, а с валового дохода сразу. Все издержки отель берет на себя и обеспечивает максимальную заполняемость и высший сервис.

Фото Mont Azure M Gallery


Wanda Vista –  Пляж Лаян. Север Банг Тао.  Первая линия от моря. Крупный 5* отельный комплекс на краю заповедника в окружении леса. Свой пирс. Река, протекающая по территории отеля. Множество бассейнов. Shuttle boats.

Здесь есть программа гарантированного дохода от застройщика 6%. У на здесь эксклюзив. С нами вы получите 7%. Есть долевое участие в бизнесе 70% и 80% в зависимости от типа и времени приобретения.

Фото Wanda Vista


The One – пляж Най Харн – Тайские Сейшелы – входит в топ 5 лучших пляжей в Азии по версии Trip Adviser.

Все пляжи Пхукета красивые. Но этот особенно. Есть туристы, которые годами приезжают только сюда. Сеть красивых чистых озер.

Здесь заповедник. Поэтому строительство на первой линии запрещено. Отель Премиального качества и сервиса – самый близкий здесь по расположению от моря.

Премия года за дизайн. Самые дорогие материалы и мебель. 5* отельный оператор Bursary. Есть гарантированный доход 7%, есть долевое участие 70%/30%


Фото The One


Есть еще несколько роскошных Резортов с великолепной инфраструктурой и средой для жизни на лучших пляжах. Они не всегда предлагают программы гарантированного дохода и долевого участия но обойти их своим вниманием мы не можем

Park Residence – пляж Лаян, Банг Тао – доступ к огромной инфраструктуре –  самый большой не только на Пхукете но и в Азии СПА  площадью 5000 кв м, самый большой бассейн длиной 300 метров, самый большой тропический парк   – под него отведено 70% территории.

Настоящий Рай.

Фото Park Residence


Gardens of Eden – все что сверху + первая линия от моря

Фото Gardens of Eden


Garrya Residences – самый новый проект бренда Laguna.

Роскошный и самый на сегодня дорогой проект на острове. 320 000 бат за м кв. Это Рекорд.

Фото Garrya Residences


Есть еще два проекта которые находятся не на первой линии от моря? но этот пожалуй единственный их недостаток который перекрывают их многочисленные достоинства – они создают большую современную среду обитания с многочисленными объектами инфраструктуры – бассейны, магазины, бутики, салоны на огромной территории и по праву считаются Резортами

Layan Verde – мини город с 9 корпусами на 10 га, 30% площадей отведено под инфраструктуру

Фото Layan Verde


Laguna Lakelands – самая большая на острове территория – 1 000 000 кв метров. Бассейны, парки, только длина дорожек здесь превышает 15 км. Жизнь в окружении ухоженного тропического парка и красивейших озер по соседству элитными комплексами вилл

Фото Laguna Lakelands


Есть еще новые интересные курортные комплексы, которые по тем или иным причинам мы сюда не включили. Звоните, расскажем больше.

Проведем Zoom колл с экспертом  – покажем презентации актуальные цены, текущие скидки и персональные бонусы от нашей компании.

Проведем Zoom колл с выбранным застройщиком. Расскажем про подводные камни если они есть.

Real Prices. Top 27 Developers in Phuket. November.

Ranking of Top 20 most popular properties in Phuket. We have compiled our own ranking of the popularity of properties in Phuket based on client enquiries and completed transactions. We understand that it is relative for everyone and may differ from other agencies, but in general the most popular properties on the island are the same if the agents are honest and do not pursue their own interests. We think you may also find it useful for a general idea. Therefore, we decided to share the data with you. It changes every month with the appearance of new objects, changing prices and closing sales. Why a particular object is more popular, you can find out on the phone. As a rule, there is a reasonable explanation. You can call or read in our reviews – for example, the Top 20 best investment properties in Phuket :::::::::: So – July.

  1. Sea Heaven
  2. The One
  3. The Title Serenity
  4. Wanda Vista
  5. City Gate
  6. Layan green park
  7. Fantasea Kamala
  8. Layan Verde
  9. The Title Legendary
  10. Laguna Seaside
  11. The Title heritage
  12. Laguna Lakelands
  13. The Odyssey
  14. Babylon sky gardens
  15. Mont Azure Lakeside
  16. Capri residence
  17. Wekata 3
  18. Vip Karon
  19. Rawayana
  20. Gardens of Eden

If you are in Phuket, we will be happy to meet you and take you on a familiarization tour. If you prefer an online transaction, please contact us, we will arrange a zoom meeting with the developer from the site online, help you make payment and complete the paperwork.

A start in which we invest ourselves

Serenity. We prefer to invest in the best ready and under construction properties in the best locations on the first line from the sea We are reluctant to invest in pits because they often do not meet the selection criteria of our analysts. Mainly because new objects on the pit are now most often built in 1000 -2000 m from the sea, as the land closer to the sea is already sold out. Objects outside the walking distance up to 500 m are less liquid. Tourists always choose first of all what is closer to the sea. Therefore, there is higher occupancy and profitability. We wrote about this in the last article – myths about pits, slightly dispel ,,,,, And explained why we do not plan to invest in The Title Heritage, including because of the high price. 2000 meters from the sea it was offered at the price of a premium object on the first line 200 meters from the sea. Our analysts always compare the competitive environment and current prices, but now we have the first excavation for the last year, in which we decided to invest ourselves. Here the situation is completely different – 400 meters from the sea, with 100% payment of the price is a very large discount and you get a price of 102,000 baht per square meter at the current median price of 160 thousand baht per square meter in Phuket as of 15.02. 2024 That is, you earn 60% of strasu due to the discount + 40% due to price increases during the construction period. 100% in currency for 2 years.
Yes, there are possible liquidity problems at the end of construction, but with such a margin of safety in 100% you can always give a discount of 5-10% and liquidity will greatly increase. The second plus of this location is that here is much lower impact of competition and traffic jams than on Bang Tao.
Thirdly, it is close to the airport, it is very appreciated by the Chinese and Japanese, they like to choose hotels near the airport, and there are a lot of them here. Fourthly, here approved the construction of the largest transport interchange in the north of the island that will create additional attractiveness of liquidity and price growth Fifthly, it is planned to build Porto De Phuket 2. In Nai Ton (10 minutes from Nai Yang) in the premium infrastructure facility Sea Heaven, which will also increase liquidity Sixth, there are plans to build an analog of Phuket Central 2 – the largest and only world-class Mega Mall. It is planned to be built in Thalang. This will greatly increase the status and attractiveness of the north of the island, in the development of which is now invested the main budgetary funds of the island. Nearby is Mai Khao with beautiful secluded beaches and no infrastructure at all for today. 15 minutes by car. The north of the island has now become a priority for development. Seeing that there is almost no land left for development in the middle part of the island, the government is investing in roads and infrastructure facilities in the north of Phuket, which is bound to increase prices and liquidity according to analysts. According to our analysts, this is the most profitable excavation, the only one this year in which we are ready to invest ourselves. Low entry threshold – from 2,500,000 baht – 6,500,000 rubles. This is the bomb. In the previous object of this developer 400 apartments were sold in 15 minutes. Here the offer is even more attractive in terms of price, entry threshold, prospects for price growth. According to the most modest estimates we plan to earn here at least 80% in 2 years, on optimistic more than 100%. Here delay in making a decision is absolutely impossible. We need to act quickly The main principle of the excavation is to catch the first carriage. This was the case in Layan Verde, when 3 months ago you could buy an apartment there for 102 thousand baht per square meter. Now the prices there are 160 thousand baht and it is too late to enter. So it was in October in Vip Venus Karon – you could buy 101 thousand baht per square meter, now it is already 150 thousand baht per square meter, and almost nothing left The peculiarity of working with the pit – you need to be able to quickly make a decision, a little hesitant, the train has already left. In this object there is a probability that can buy up everything before the start of sales, very low price, low threshold of entry, very high yield.
Minimum price at 100% payment and 10% discount + 100 thousand baht Yerli Berd = -2 600 000 baht 26 m sq = 74 500 $ = 6700 000 rubles At the program with deferral discount 5% +100 000 baht – price = 2765 000 = 79 000 $ = 7 200 000 rubles To buy in installments need to make 100 000 baht deposit (2850 $) and the first payment on the contract 25% 1800 000 rubles That is, for 2 085 000 rubles can fix the low price and enter the project with installments for 2 years, 4 installments of 25%, expecting to get the highest income up to 100% for 2 years.
In this project it is real. This is the only project today with such a high income forecast. And the only one this year that we are planning to invest in ourselves. We are accepting applications from Monday. We can meet in Phuket. Carry out transactions online We work without commission, fully accompany the transaction. 19.11.23

Real Prices. Top 20 Developers in Phuket. July.

Ranking of Top 20 most popular properties in Phuket. We have compiled our own ranking of the popularity of properties in Phuket based on client enquiries and completed transactions. We understand that it is relative for everyone and may differ from other agencies, but in general the most popular properties on the island are the same if the agents are honest and do not pursue their own interests. We think you may also find it useful for a general idea. Therefore, we decided to share the data with you. It changes every month with the appearance of new objects, changing prices and closing sales. Why a particular object is more popular, you can find out on the phone. As a rule, there is a reasonable explanation. You can call or read in our reviews – for example, the Top 20 best investment properties in Phuket :::::::::: So – July.

  1. Sea Heaven
  2. The One
  3. The Title Serenity
  4. Wanda Vista
  5. City Gate
  6. Layan green park
  7. Fantasea Kamala
  8. Layan Verde
  9. The Title Legendary
  10. Laguna Seaside
  11. The Title heritage
  12. Laguna Lakelands
  13. The Odyssey
  14. Babylon sky gardens
  15. Mont Azure Lakeside
  16. Capri residence
  17. Wekata 3
  18. Vip Karon
  19. Rawayana
  20. Gardens of Eden

If you are in Phuket, we will be happy to meet you and take you on a familiarization tour. If you prefer an online transaction, please contact us, we will arrange a zoom meeting with the developer from the site online, help you make payment and complete the paperwork.

Myths about excavations. Let’s dispel a few

On February 9, the closed pre-sale of the new Heritage project from the well-known large developer Title will start. We have sent you an offer to participate in the pre-sale before, you would have to declare your desire and deposit 100 thousand baht ($2900) by February 4, then you would have the right to be the first to choose the best apartments. After February 9 the sales start and you can also get the best conditions at the initial stage of construction of the excavation with installments.
The Title is one of the most famous large developers in Phuket working on the “Dubai scheme” – a strong advertising campaign, collecting deposits, creating excitement, nightly inclusions of the opportunity to choose the best apartment, additional motivation of agents, then ahead of the price increase, so that investors are happy with the rapid increase in prices. Let’s try to understand whether it is so profitable and what pitfalls lie here. Let me say right away that we do not have the task to criticize the Dubai scheme, it also works, but it is different. And the key point in it is the issue of final liquidity and the lack of guaranteed income We have more profitable and reliable offers, but many people do not see them and do not understand their advantages. Below I will give justifications with comparison of competitors’ prices and advantages of different locations. Most novice investors think that real estate investments are very simple – you just need to buy on the pit and sell when it will be built. Logically, this rule has worked successfully in Russia, there is a natural final demand and desire to invest money by end buyers in real estate because of the constant sharp rise in the exchange rate to preserve savings. And until recently there was a reasonable balance of under construction and sold objects. Now supply is far outstripping demand, you probably know about the stagnant prices and overcrowding of the real estate market in Russia, which has led to an overflow and explosion of investment into Thailand, a friendly country with one of the most stable currencies in the world. The Thai baht has been equal to the dollar for the last 30 years. This rule also worked initially in Dubai, where many investors switched to, but has become a disappointment for many recently due to falling yields and liquidity problems associated with overcrowding, rapid growth in construction, and the lack of a real estate market. Plans to build 170km long skyscrapers into the desert make experienced investors think twice and diversify their risk. It is they, the large portfolio investors who are the main buyers of sell-offs like The Title. They have other goals – they need to spread some of their large assets across different regions of the world to balance risk. Of course they have analysts and growth forecast charts of major leading global analytical agencies Knight Frank, Sotheby’s, Colliers and others who forecast prices in Phuket to rise to 300,000 baht per square meter in 2 years (now average 150,000 baht per square meter) and when this happens, everything will be fine with yields and capitalizations. Therefore, we do not criticize the pits and Dubai scheme, we just state that we have more profitable options, where you can in more attractive locations to buy a ready-made object at the price of a pit 2 km closer to the sea, on the first line. Many people do not know about it and are not able to understand the details, it is difficult to do remotely, there are many nuances associated with the peculiarities of locations and the absolute uniqueness of each object in Phuket. Unlike Moscow and Dubai, they can not be compared by standard parameters – distance from the subway, the difference in the prestige of the zone, the level of the object, etc. We will help to understand this and find the best investment object for your purposes Most transactions are now online. We are ready to show the best objects in Phuket. The most promising fast developing region for guaranteed investment is Phuket. It is Phuket, not Thailand as a whole. In Pattaya prices are lower, but the yield there is also lower than 4-5% without guarantees, there are also skyscrapers, supply exceeds demand. In Phuket there is a guaranteed yield of 7% for 5 years from the developer himself. There is no such anywhere else in the world – neither in Dubai, nor in Pattaya, nor in Bali. There all call the estimated yield of 7-15%. Estimated yield in Phuket as well 10%-16% but it is estimated. Guaranteed regardless of circumstances from the developer 7% without taking into account price increases from capitalization (they should be added) can be obtained only in Phuket. Such objects are very few, less than 10.
Want to know what their difference, write us Let’s compare investments in the pit and ready premium object on Bang Tao February 9 in the start of sales on the pit at Title Heritage and ready object Sole Mio Region Bang Tao ( Thai rublevka ) Title Heritage Sole Mio Distance from the sea 2.5 km, by car 200 meters, walking Readiness of the pit, while 0 built, working 100% full Guaranteed yield no 7% per annum from the developer Price 150,000 baht sq m 140,000 baht sq m Hotel operator no is It should be added that in the case of the excavation in Heritage you can get an additional 10% discount, then, you will get the lowest price, but for this you will need to pay the entire amount 100% at once.
At the same time for the construction period – 2 years you get nothing – 0% It looks beautiful, but in fact it is a marketing move. If you pay the entire amount at once in Sole Mio you are guaranteed to get 14% for the same 2 years in Title Heritage you get installment payments. In this case you will no longer get the most delicious price, but taking into account the installment payment, the return on invested capital will be higher, the financial burden is lower. This is undoubtedly a plus. But there is no guaranteed profitability here and will not be. Therefore, you will have to look for tenants yourself. Or hire a management company, giving it 30% of the income. You can find and less experienced which will work for 20% of income, but smaller companies provide less occupancy of residences and as a result, choosing a cheaper company you risk getting less income despite the lower commission As a rule, at the initial stage, 1-3 years while the object is unwinding occupancy is low from 60% on average per year, so the yield may be lower. In the top locations of well-known hotel operators it can reach 80%-90%. (100% in high season and 50-70% in low season.) That’s why experienced investors prefer programs with well-known hotel operators, they have hotel licenses, without a license to rent an apartment by law can not be independently rented daily. This gives hotel operators the right to rent a room for daily rent at a higher price and get a higher income and occupancy. But most importantly, in this case you do not worry about repairs, organization of service and % occupancy of the object. All this is done for you by the hotel operator. You get the maximum guaranteed income immediately, regardless of circumstances. To the question of prices and competition. In Bang Tao this year appeared on the order of more excavations, all the land in January in excavators and cranes. Prices on the pit in a clear field from 150,000 baht m square. But all of them are already as a rule beyond walking distance Prices per meter sqm for excavations as of 07.02 2024 + distance to the sea The Title Legendary – 170 thousand baht – 600 m The Title Heritage – 145 -174 thousand baht – 2500 m Capri Residenсe – 150 thousand baht – 850 m Layan Verde – 149 -159 thousand baht, 1000 m Layan Green Park 2 – 180 thousand baht – 700 m Wanda Vista -160 -180 thousand baht – 400 m For comparison Sole Mio – 140 thousand baht 200 m from the sea, ready, a few units left.
There are many pits outside the walking distance of 1.5 -2.8 km from the sea, which praise their alleged advantages – stores nearby, playground, etc. They need to say something, and they say it’s cool, next to stores, in response to the argument that no one has been going to the stores with bags for a long time, everyone goes by car, but the sea prefer to walk, including because of the difficulties of parking, shamefully avert their eyes. Tourists always choose proximity to the sea. Here is always higher occupancy yield and liquidity. Therefore, we chose 200 meters from the sea on Bang Tao, closer to Bang Tao there is nothing, here all built up in the last century, a premium object with a guaranteed yield of 7%. Price 140 -150 thousand baht per sq.m. In the next building Laguna Beachside price at the excavation stage is now 230 thousand baht, almost all sold. Cottages in Bang Tao is now a lot, for every taste, choose, but all of them are no longer in walking distance 600 -850 -900, 1500, 1800, 2 km – 2.8 km and usually from 150 000 baht sq.m. on the pit.
Prices for them are not low as expected compared to ready and close to delivery of objects, such as Wanda Vista, in March delivery of 170 thousand baht. That is to buy a pit at night in the dark with closed eyes – the light turned on, cockroaches scattered – frantically choosing the best apartment is not the most profitable solution. And what is there to choose? – with a view of the sea apartments here by definition can not be. It’s 2 kilometers away. Pool view or no pool view. You need to understand the details and the current situation to choose the right investment strategy for you and the best in terms of reliability and profitability of the object. Many sellers sell those properties where they get paid big bonuses. We don’t do that. We offer primarily what we choose for ourselves and friends That is, the myth that the pit 30% cheaper no longer works. It used to. In Vip Venus Karon, Layan Verde. Now it has become fashionable to put prices on the pit at the current prices of the finished object. Especially in Bang Tao. And constantly raise them. Compare before buying the prices of the environment, distance from the sea and the prospects of locations. First of all, walking distance to the sea. Then the reliability of the developer. Now there are a lot of new objects in which nothing has not yet been built, but almost all sold. Far from the sea. Strange, isn’t it? There are no escrow accounts in Thailand. There are few failed projects, but there are some. There are a lot of frozen projects, including large ones. There are lawsuits and proceedings. We do not work with such objects. We are not realtors with a bunch of keys, in the version of Eh, I’ll take a ride! We are an investment company, analyzing and selecting the best investment projects in Phuket. We invest in them ourselves, carefully study all the details, select the best objects in the best locations and can justify their conclusions. The main thing in the choice – it is not a pit. The main thing is the best location. And guaranteed income. We can find the best for you. Taking into account the competition and the specifics of the location. If you can not fly in, you can conduct the transaction online. 80% of transactions we are now remotely. We prepare documents for the bank, help open an account, make payment, get confirmation. Yuri 19.11.23.

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