for investment
and life
We invest in the best objects ourselves!
The most profitable and reliable objects
from Acora invest
We’ve been in Phuket since 1993 and we know very well every corner
Our investment
Income from price growth at the excavation stage + guaranteed income + joint income + income from price growth
The One project financial calculation model is the top 1 for investment today
When buying at the excavation stage, you earn from 30% to 50% and more when selling the finished object. Depends on the quality of the object and location. The term is 1.5 – 2 years.
You enter into an agreement with the developer, under which he undertakes to pay you 5-7% per year for 3,5,7,15 years, regardless of the circumstances
The Thai baht
is among the Top 5
most stable currencies
over the past 30 years
* according to Bloomberg agency
real estate values

over the last 10 years
Thai is a paradise
investor’s paradise
We will offer the best investment strategies for your tasks
All objects have been legally verified
In Phuket, we have up-to-date information
about developers and do not work with distressed properties.
You can order Due Diligence* from our partner Harwell Legal, which is a professional law firm.
Our partner in Thailand
* Due diligence of the investment object